January 12 - February 2

We believe in the power of prayer and that when we come together and pray — things change.

Our community is faithfully setting aside 21 days in January and February to pray and fast. As we deepen our dependance on God and trust in His power alone, we believe it will create a lasting impact in our lives, our church, our community, and our world.

The goal of fasting is to draw closer to God. Biblical fasting involves abstaining from eating for spiritual purposes. If you are unable to fast from food, we suggest you select something else to abstain from during your day and replace that time with prayer.

Join us for these 21 days and allow the Holy Spirit to transform your life.

How to Participate:

  • Select something to fast: You can select a meal or meals. You can select a beverage. Or, if you are unable to fast from food, select something else to remove from your routine and replace that time with prayer.

  • Pray the Proverbs for your life or those around you.

  • Watch the Daily Devotional videos from the Family Life team by clicking on the link.

  • Attend our Third Thursday Gathering on January 16th at 7pm

  • Submit a “I’m Believing For...” request so others can pray with you.

How to Prepare

If you have never fasted before, here are some helpful resources to get you started.

“Fasting, praying, and feeding on the Word of God puts that sword in your hand and positions you to disern the difference between your thoughts and God’s thoughts” - Jentezen Franklin

Start by praying

If you are unsure about what to fast, pray and ask God what He would have you refrain from and focus on during these 21 days. Acts 13:2, Esther 4:16, Joel 2:12, Neh. 1:4, Dan. 10:3

Ask your doctor

If you haven’t fasted from food before, it is good to consult your doctor especially if you are on medication, pregnant, nursing, or have a health condition where abstaining from food for a period of time could put you at risk.

Select your fast

Choose what type of fast you are going to do. A meal or meals, a type of food, or something you are removing from your daily routine. Whether you decide to do a partial fast, a complete fast or a combination, it is the act that really matters and your heart towards it. If you are removing something from your daily routine that means a lot to you, your sacrifice and time with God, will mean a lot to Him too. Matthew 6:16-18

Begin and stay with it

Once you begin, you may feel like giving up or not continuing for the full 21 days. Remember, this is a special sacrifice and a commitment to deepen your relationship with God. It is a time for you to put aside your selfish desires and go deeper in God’s word, your prayer time and relationship with God. You may find the enemy distracting you or encouraging you to stop, but continue to press in and you will be refreshed in the end.